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 1. Dan Solomon  The Typewriter's Attack  Speedism 
 2. Sound Effects  olivetti typewriter 2  Sound Effects 6 
 3. Tyrone Williams  Back To The Typewriter By  Segue Series Reading at The Bowery Poetry Club, December 1, 2007 
 4. Hill, Joe  Scheherazade's Typewriter  20th Century Ghosts separated 
 5. Shorty Petterstein (Henry Jacobs)  Drums In My Typewriter  The Wide Weird World of Shorty Petterstein 
 6. Kevin Barnes  Green Typewriter Suite  02/18/07 Dallas TX 
 7. Kevin Barnes  Green Typewriter Suite  02/18/07 Dallas TX 
 8. Kevin Barnes  Green Typewriter Suite  02/18/07 Dallas TX 
 9. Kevin Barnes  Green Typewriter Suite  02/18/07 Dallas TX 
 10. Kevin Barnes  Green Typewriter Suite  02/18/07 Dallas TX 
 11. Daniel Johnson, Jr.  JIMM 107 - Online Typewriter Kitchen Talk  Journey Inside My Mind Podcast - http://jimmpodcast.com 
 12. Kishore Kumar& Asha Bhosle  Typewriter Tip, Tip, Tip from Merchant-Ivory's film BOMBAY TALKIE  The Darjeeling Limited Original Soundtrack 
 13. Man Factory  Heart Attack II: A Heart Attack Comin' Straight Outta My Heart   
 14. Autumn Thunder  Air Attack  40 Years Of NFL Films Music 
 15. Woodhands  Under Attack  Heart Attack  
 16. Black Affair  Tak! Attack!   
 17. Hans Zimmer  Attack  Pearl Harbor  
 18. Clint Mansell  Mac Attack!  Doom  
 19. Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within  Attack At Sea  Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within  
 20. Nival Interactive/Evil Islands  Attack  attack 
 21. Haymaker  Tax Attack  Haymaker 
 22. Whitest Boy Alive  Attack   
 23. Commandos 2 -Men Of Courage  Attack  www.pcgamesoundtracks.com  
 24. Commandos 2 -Men Of Courage  Attack  www.pcgamesoundtracks.com  
 25. Frank Carr  UFO Attack  Ringtones 
 26. Frank Carr  UFO Attack  Ringtones 
 27. D-Formation  Attack  Diametric EP Vinyl  
 28. Barking Spider Electronics  Attack  Genetically Modified 
 29. Super Mario Galaxy  Under Attack    
 30. Choo-Choo Will Destroy You  Yak Attack  Choo-Choo is dead 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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